Donate to McMan South
Your generosity to McMan South benefits those we serve in southern Alberta.
We’re a non-profit organization that is grateful for all funding we receive from various organizations and donors in southern Alberta.
Thank you for choosing McMan South as one of your organizations of choice to donate to. Your contribution helps with costs associated to various programs and services that we offer in southern Alberta.
We have our donations setup under PayPal. To help avoid any possible confusion regarding the donation process, or requesting a tax receipt, please take a moment to review the following information.
When you click on the “Donate Now” button, you will be taken to the PayPal site which allows you to select your preferred payment method. Once you have made your donation, you are taken to a new page. In order to return to our McMan site, you must click on the text in the orange box that says “return to McMan Youth Family and Community Services". From there, you have the option to request a tax receipt. If you choose to request a tax receipt, please be sure to turn off your pop up blocker or you will be unable to open the tax receipt form.
Please feel free to contact us if you require more information or need any portion of the donation process explained further. You can reach us at 403-527-1588.