Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act (PSECA) Outreach
Protection, education, and advocacy for exploited youth.
The PSECA Outreach program provides outreach, support, and education on child sexual exploitation and human trafficking in southeastern Alberta.
The program aims to prevent sexual exploitation and to help children and youth end their involvement in this area. This program is offered in Brooks and Medicine Hat.
A Protective and Preventive Program
Ages 12 to 24
The program is open to youth aged 12 to 24* who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing sexual exploitation.

No Fees
The program is funded by the Ministry of Children’s Services. There are no costs for participants.

Comprehensive Support
PSECA Outreach provides education, consultation, and case management services.

No Referral Required
In an effort to reduce barriers to service, referrals will be accepted by anyone, including self-referral.

What to Expect
The PSECA Outreach program offers community information presentations and targeted presentations to sectors such as the trucking industry. We also provide specific presentations to community partners, children, and youth.
In addition to the educational components, we provide case management services for 15 to 20 participants. We enhance awareness of the risks of exploitation through education on sexting, sextortion, grooming, pressured sexual activity, online sexual predation and exploitation, and online resource distribution. We also work to increase awareness about how to keep participants safe while also decreasing at-risk behaviors. Effective strategies are introduced for reducing harm to participants and those connected to them and we enhance protective factors through connection to resources, enhanced community engagement, increasing natural or chosen support networks, and access to cultural supports.
How to Access the Program
PSECA Outreach is open to youth between the ages of 12 to 24*, caregivers and their chosen supports. In an effort to reduce barriers to service, referrals will be accepted by anyone, including self-referral.
*Resources available may vary in accordance with legislative and contractual requirements.
Exit from the program is based on participants reaching their identified goals or have reached the age of 24.
McMan's core values of commitment, trust, respect, empathy, and genuineness are ingrained in each portion of service delivery.
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